Psychologists Explain Why Blunt People Make The Best Friends

Blunt according to the dictionary means “Uncompromisingly forthright” We all know or have that one friend who is not afraid to tell you as it is. That friend who will be brutally honest with us even if it hurts and will be there for us even through the toughest times.

It might sound like fantasy but everyone has that one blunt friend; perhaps it’s the universe’s way of telling us we are social animals and our societies are built on healthy co-existence.

Preview photo:  Alexis Brown / Unsplash

Sociologists think that blunt people can make the best kinds of friends and this is why:

#1. They tell it as it is

Forget about beating around the bush or hiding the truth in your favor; blunt people are going to be brutally honest with you even if you don’t want to hear it. Most people may not realize it at the time but honestly can help the concerned party deal with the very root of the situation.

That doesn’t mean that they will be cruel. With them, you can be assured of honest, brutal and tough love which when you come to think of is better than lying to you to spare your feelings. While the truth may hurt, at least you are sure of a blunt friend who tells you something because they genuinely care for you.

#2. You’ll always know they want to be your friend

Perhaps the best thing about blunt people is they are straightforward and terrible at pretense. This means they have no reason to lie about their feelings so if they like you or not be sure you’ll be hearing it from the horse’s mouth.

So when a blunt person tells you they want to be your friend, trust yourself and jump in because they mean it. They also have no problem building a friendship that will last.

#3. They push you to be the best

Telling someone their shortcomings is tough and most people are terrible at it simply because they feel it will put a rift in their relationship. A blunt person will not have qualms about telling you exactly where you are poor and need to improve yourself.

Since they do not desire to boost your morale by lying to you, be sure that whatever feedback they give you is honest and trustworthy.

“When you surround yourself with friends like this, your life will completely change.  You become more positive, driven, and focused on your priorities,” adds lifestyle and business expert Chalene Johnson.

#4. They are not afraid to apologize

For some people, admitting when they are wrong is an uphill task. However, its a lot easier for blunt people to be open about their shortcomings. This is because, since they are straightforward when it comes to pointing out others’ mistakes, owning up their own and apologizing is normal for them.

#5. They won’t let you get harmed

A blunt friend will protect you jealously. They will not put up with anything or anyone who intends to harm them or their friends.

Since they are outspoken, they will be the first person to speak out when someone is being mean to you and be by your side when you’re having it rough. If other people are gossiping about you, they won’t be afraid to step in for you. What more do we want than that friend who is loyal and not afraid to fight for those they care about.

Human beings are social animals, therefore they benefit from social interactions among ourselves. For overall wellness, we need to keep our physical, mental as well as social lives healthy. This involves harboring different types of emotions and energy.

Just like we need people who are kind, loving and compassionate, we need a person who is going to be brutally honest with us. Thankfully, blunt friends can fill that role unconditionally and unapologetically.