24 Traveler Tweets Show The Dangers Of A Government Shutdown That Will Give Anyone Chills

Everyone has their own view of democracy but a majority of people will agree that the United States and the United Kingdom are the epitomai of liberal democracy, progress, and freedom. However, others may also define the two as imperial powers trapped in an endless struggle to hold onto their power and wealth which was forcefully or fraudulently acquired through colonialism and war.

Either way, the rest of the world spectate on the sidelines as these powerful allies decide to keep off international treaties and agreements forged to ensure fairness and equality. Instead, these governments choose to give a deaf ear to harsh economic realities and try to cocoon themselves (perhaps protecting what they already have) now that they aren’t allowed to snatch other people’s properties at will.

While Donald Trump is trying to validate his nonsensical fear of terrorists crossing over the border and invading his country in droves, people are melting in fear over a real ‘national security’ threat. The country has been brought to a halt due to the government shutdown he has called to justify his precious wall project over the Mexican border. Hundreds of thousands of government workers are on halt or official leave while those patriotic enough choose to work without pay. This shutdown has affected all critical functions of the government including air safety such as airport security workers and air traffic controllers. The ironical part is, this is actually happening in the most powerful nation in the world.

Preview photo: iStock / MediaProduction


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