19 Zodiac Couples With The Best Chance For A Long-Term Relationship

Whether you believe in astrological compatibility or not, we have to admit that its cool to know that your zodiac sign is perfectly suited to your relationship. For some, horoscopes are the reason why they buy newspapers or even look it up online. 

We have to admit there is some form of fun knowing what the stars have aligned for us. While at it, people often check their partner's horoscopes perhaps to satisfy their curiosity. While the majority of us know its now entirely true, like everything opinionated, it should be taken with a grain of sand unless of course, you are into mystical science.

While at it, here are some interesting horoscope compatibility between zodiac signs, well some may not be all good but don't take in the negativity in a horoscope.

# 1 Pieces and Taurus


These two signs have two completely different personalities which perhaps makes them compatible. Their union is a happy one characterized by strong ties and even deeper empathy. While the Pisces has a tendency to dream and idealize their relationships, the more practical and humble Taurus bring them back to the real world. What better way to make a relationship work than creating the perfect balance.

#2 Aries and Libra


These two are conquered by passion. They are both extroverted and high spirited individuals who won't stop to think twice to the invitation of anything fun. They are open to life and have a relationship that is loud but definitely exciting.

# 3. Aries and Gemini


let's call them fire and air. Just like the elements named after, these two are a perfect pair, optimistic and work together to get out of any difficult situation they are put. They could have troubles at home but still manage to put their differences aside when they are together. Their relationship is for the long haul and they both work hard to nurture it.

#4. Scorpio and cancer


This match is made in heaven. Both are passionate, strong-willed and loyal individuals who will do anything for the sake of each other. They can be a jealous lot too but they remain loyal to each other.
They use public displays of affection to To mark their territories and keep off people from their partners. as mentioned earlier, they are very possessive.

#5. Sagittarius and Leo


Theirs is a fiery love. Both individuals filled with life and ambitions which they use to push each other to the limit. They seamlessly bond and sometimes its a battle for submission but their love keeps them glued together. Theirs is a fiery relationship that both are okay with but will burn any intruder.

#6. Virgo and Aquarius


These two are the complete opposite of each other but as they say, opposite attracts. This line of thought makes them a dramatic and close couple. While Virgo is an analytical thinker, Aquarius is more of emotionally driven; this could cause a lot of drama in their relationship but then out of the fights is born a strong and honest relationship.
Their differences are the reason why they stick together since they realize love is about loving each other for who they no matter their different opinions on subjects.

#7. Capricorn and Taurus


This is a power couple, not in the essence that they are rich and powerful but in having a royalty of their own. Everywhere they are together, they seem to catch everyone's attention. They slay but in a totally adorable way; other couples can't help but admire or eve feel jealous of them.

#8. Pisces and Scorpio


In the astrological world, these two are considered soul mates. Well, for starters both are water signs and when these two meet, then a tsunami is bound to happen.

When alone this couple could transform into something completely different; with enough romance and happiness to last them a lifetime.

#9. Gemini and Virgo


Imagine a version of two incredibly smart people in a relationship. You might picture them debating or arguing about every tiny concept in the universe but in the real sense, their intellect drives them to have meaningful conversations that will ultimately leave them happy and contented. After all, who aid that relationships work because of communication?

They could be stubborn and frustrate their partners at times but as long as they don't hold any grudge, theirs turn out to be one satisfying relationship.

#10. Aries and Capricorn


This is one couple that is hard to put together but once they are, they stick like glue. Their love is strong and hard to understand and trying to separate them is definitely an uphill task.

They might look like ordinary people, but try messing with one and you'll be in for a beating from both. Their teamwork is a force to reckon and certainly keeps their relationship strong.

#11. Gemini and Libra


Theirs is a cocktail of love, harmony, and understanding which makes them inseparable. Gemini loves arguments but Libra avoids it, therefore, to make it work, they understand compromise. 

While each needs some personal space to take care of their personalities, you can not deny the strong chemistry between this pair.

#12. Aries and Sagittarius


These two can be summed up with one phrase, fire in the streets and in the sheets. Theirs is a perfect combination of passion, energy, and enthusiasm. Their love is undeniably strong and it grows as their relationship matures. This is the couple that will do anything fun together. Being with them is bound to get fun.

#13. Pisces and cancer


The highly intuitive cancer together with the deeply emotional and passionate Pisces is one union you can't beat. The two water signs bring out their romance in such a strong sense that everyone can't help envying them.
They keep their relationship private and keep each other for themselves; well, no one likes sharing their partner.

# 14. Virgo and Taurus


A sincere couple, devoted to making their relationship work. This is one couple that is in it for the long haul. They will hold on to each other and would think twice before letting their partners go.

#15. Aries and Aquarius


This is one couple that is perfect for each other. They never grow tired of each other thanks to the amazing adventures in or out of the bedroom.
They are insanely adventurers and is a couple that will do almost everything together, talk of relationship goals and you have where to look for.

#16. Taurus and Cancer


This couple takes each other for who they are. Their love transcends above looks and imperfections. Theirs is a mature love, they know that their partners are not perfect but frankly care less. 

They know what works out for each other and will do everything to keep their passion burning.

#17. Gemini and Aquarius


Theirs is an epitome of craziness intertwined with passion and happiness.  Call them the crazy couple, but the adventure, fun, and open-mindedness keeps their passion burning and frankly, they care less.
They way they connect is magical that you might think they have known each other for eternity.

#18. Aquarius and Gemini


This is the couple that will share one plate in a party. Their public displays of affection could be annoying to their immediate colleagues but its what keeps their relationship strong.
They are psychologically connected so deep that they don't realize it most of the time. They also sacrifice their own needs for the sake of their partners.

19. Leo and Aries


This is one fiery couple. They might be having a dramatic relationship but its nothing that their bond can't handle. They are in it for the long run and would do anything to maintain that passion.