For those into mystic stories and metascience, you’ve probably heard that our spirit guides and guardian angels speak to us through various forms. We communicate with them subconsciously through simple means as playing a recurring song on the radio, flipping a certain page on the book or as random as directing our attention to the repeating numbers in a sign or a clock such as a number 11:11.
Initially, it might seem like a silly notion which you quickly brush aside as a random coincidence, but looking deeper into it, there is a spiritual message trying to be put across.
More people are noticing the system of repeating numbers on their clocks, billboards or road signs and are starting to buy into the whole idea. The increase in these sightings only prove one thing, there is a great shift in consciousness and awareness taking place around us.
This phenomenon brings to our attention the cosmic shifts at this time as our planet tries to realign itself. Furthermore, it also tries to bring our present thoughts and emotions into perfect balance.
The perceived intention of our guiding angels making us aware of the 11:11 is to make us more conscious of ourselves and remind us that we can always rely on a greater wisdom and guidance that is always available to us anytime we feel scared or stuck in a situation.
Doreen Virtue, a famous angel therapist and psychic medium between the human world and the spirit world, seeing repetitive numbers more so 11:11 is an indicator that your desires will become a reality.
She, therefore, advises us to focus on positive thoughts while paying attention to our desires which will instantly be rewarded by the angels.
Interestingly, it is thought that the more 1’s you see in a sign or clock, the stronger the connection between yourself and your spirit guides. More people are starting to notice the numbers more often which only means one thing; more people are being called upon to help in the healing of our planet also known as lightworkers.
Crazy as it may sound, we may have noticed that planet earth has been in such a disarray, that it’s primary inhabitants- the humans have been bequeathed the responsibility of bringing back peace and tranquility that was predominant in the beginning. This way we can all coexist and enjoy the human experience as it should.
The Mayan calendar shades more light on this surprising phenomena. According to the ancient scrolls, the turning ages began on December 21, 2012, at 11:11, marking the dawn of a new age for the planet and its inhabitants. This meant the presence of a shift in consciousness from the Dark Age to the Golden age where everything will be reborn.
Another interesting fact about the 11:11 is that the numbers add up to four which can only indicate the number for transforming and dissolving the ego. Many mediums and spiritual healers interpret the 11:11 as a way through which our spiritual guides help us restore order back on earth.
Anytime you see numbers repeating themselves, especially the 111:11; your guiding angels are trying to reassure you that they are going to be with you and protect you from any harm that comes your way. During this times, we ought to master our courage and fight through the chaos around us.
Source: -Via
The world we live in is characterized by chaos brought about by lack of self-control and ignorance of the virtues we once valued. However, all is not lost and our spiritual masters want us to take charge and reclaim our lost internal power. Once again learn to co-exist with each other on this planet.