Ancient civilizations believed that stars have a certain influence in our lives, then came the belief that planets exert an influence on our lives. While science has succeeded in proving wrong the latter, recent studies show that the season in which we are born influences our health and lives in general.
Some might think it as a fad, but to answer the burning questions, how does our birth season affect the direction our lives will take?. What characteristics do the people born in spring, summer or winter exhibit and is it consistent across all cultures?.
Throughout the year, women get different amounts of solar light. Scientists from Budapest think that a lack of solar light may influence a child’s development in the mother’s womb. Together with that, researchers at Alicante University, Spain, defined the connection between the birth month of a person and a disposition to 27 chronic diseases and conditions.
Throughout the year, women get different amounts of solar light. Scientists from Budapest think that a lack of solar light may influence a child’s development in the mother’s womb. Together with that, researchers at Alicante University, Spain, defined the connection between the birth month of a person and a disposition to 27 chronic diseases and conditions.
Well, we tried to answer these questions with scientific backing and as a bonus, we have paired each month with some of the most popular professional cadres.
Why does our birth month influence us?

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To the most perplexing question, throughout the year, the different seasons dictate the amount of solar light shining on earth. Likewise, pregnant women get variable amounts of sunlight owing to different seasons.Scientists think that sunlight plays an important role in the development of a fetus in the womb, likewise, its unavailability may be detrimental. Another study showed that the birth month influences the level of dopamine and serotonin- hormones responsible for happiness and good feelings.
Researchers from the Alicante University did a study that had rather surprising results. They found a connection between the birth month of an individual and their predisposition to 27 chronic diseases and conditions.
#1 January
This is when winter hits hardest. Individuals born in this month less short-tempered and choleric than those born in other seasons. Typical of winters, sunlight is scarce during this time of the year, therefore, individuals born during winter are more likely to developed suppressed moods and be depressed.
For women born during this season, they are more likely to develop constipation, gastric ulcers, heart attacks, and migraines. For the men, they tend to develop thyroid gland problems thrice more than those born in September.
#2 February
Winter still prevails. Individuals with birthdays in this month are more likely to develop heart conditions and thrombosis for both genders.
#3 March
This month ushers the coming of spring. Typical of this season, all people born during this time are generally happy. Those born in the subsequent months of April and may also exhibit optimistic characteristics with good moods.
Men born in March are more likely to develop asthma, heart problems, and cataracts. Women should be cautious of rheumatism, arthritis, and constipation.
#4 April
Spring continues, men born during this month has a likelihood of developing thyroid problems, osteoporosis, and asthma. Women should worry about bronchitis, osteoporosis, and tumors.
#5 May
Men born in this month may have a higher likelihood of developing depression, asthma, and diabetes.
#6 June
Well, summer is finally knocking and people are ready to enjoy the sun. People born in this month are known to be optimists. Nevertheless, they can also be susceptible to frequent mood swings and cyclothymia. Furthermore, cyclothymia can progress into bipolar disorder but it occurs in rare cases.
Men born in this month are more likely to develop cataracts, heart diseases, and chronic bronchitis. women are more likely to develop rheumatism, arthritis and urinary incontinence.
#7 July
Individuals born in July have a higher probability of developing asthma, arthritis, tumors, and chronic neck pain.
#8 August
Individuals born in this month have a likelihood of developing Osteoporosis, asthma, and thyroid gland problems for the men. Rheumatism, arthritis and thrombosis are common in women.
#9 September
This month ushers the fall season. People born during fall are likely to be short-tempered. While this may be not-so-great news, individuals born in September and the subsequent months of October and November are safe from psychological disorders thanks to abundant sunlight.
However, everyone born in September has a likelihood of developing osteoporosis and thyroid gland problems. While men may develop asthma, women are more likely to get tumors.
#10 October
Men born in October have fewer issues to worry about, however, thyroid gland problems and migraines top their list. Women are disposed to anemia and high cholesterol levels. Osteoporosis is a likely health concern for both sexes.
#11 November
Men born in November are likely to develop chronic heart and skin complications or thyroid gland problems. Women born in this month may suffer from heart attacks, constipation, or varicose veins. However, it's not all gloomy for women with November birthdays, at least they have been exempted from menopausal problems.
#12 December
Men born during this month are likely to have cataracts, depression and heart problems. Their female counterparts are not left either. They are likely to have asthma, thrombosis and chronic bronchitis.
Considering their general character traits, its safe to conclude that people born in specific months are likely to venture and excel in these career fields
People born in January may become collectors — specializes in debt collection — and realtors.
People born in February may become artists or performers.
People born in March may become musicians or pilots.
People born in April may become dictator bosses.
People born in May may become sportsmen or politicians.
People born in June may become CEOs or scientists.
People born in July may become builders, train drivers, or performers.
People born in August may become builders or politicians.
People born in September may become high-achieving students or sportsmen.
People born in October may become politicians.
People born in November may become "famous" criminals.
People born in December may become dentists or messiahs.
While these findings come from scientific research, it should not be taken as a final say with irreversible effects. For instance, there are different weather and seasonal patterns in different countries which do not conform to the same conditions.
Secondly, each person crafts their personality, unique to them and influenced by their social environment. Healthwise, each person is in control of their own body, therefore, the health choices one makes are what will determine their overall health. Therefore, it won't matter whether you were born on new years eve or independence day, you determine your own destiny.