#31 My Cat Furgus. He Also Doubles Up As A Step

emiliomuhammadnoeljoeymiles -Via
#32 The Council Has Spoken

arterialbloodspray -Via
#33 A Surprise Kiss

CarolNewman -Via
#34 Cabbit

emptydictionary -Via
#35 My Dog Loves Laying In The Bathtub, And My Cat Loves Laying On My Dog

hollowcaster -Via
#36 My Fiancé And Our Cat, Catching Flies

SlothOnHoth -Via
#37 I Shall Sing You The Song Of My People

enkrypt3d -Via
#38 An Ordinary Bus In Istanbul

esberat -Via
#39 Where Did That Lil Rascal Go?

MarshallNg -Via
#40 Mistakes Were Made

Tronderelk -Via
#41 A Sheep Cat...a Shat? A Sheep Kitty...a Shitty?

lordrestrepo -Via
#42 I Put My Cat Under A Cover That Looks Just Like Him

#43 All Aboard The Catbus

lonelyweebathome -Via
#44 Sergeant Meow

edamamemonster -Via
#45 Hmmm

Catric4 -Via
#46 He Looks Like Both, Lion And A Cat

Mira_Naceren -Via
#47 It Worked!

ARussianAndHisBike -Via
#48 My Cat Mr. Puss Looks Like A Snail When He Poops

driccio -Via
#49 Bought A Couch From Craigslist, Heard Noises Coming From It After Bringing It Home. Cut It Open And Found A Cat

Mushroom_Therapy -Via
#50 Caught This Guy Trying To Steal My Yogurt

reddit -Via