Unwanted Puppy Thrown In Dustbin On Boxing Day Left Absolutely Heartbroken

This picture of a cute and sad puppy here is a clear example of inhumane actions as well as the proof that not everyone feels like being kind on Christmas. Barry Basura (Basura meaning 'bin' in Spanish) is four weeks old when he was found dumped in a bin looking scared and weak. But this is not a new thing for PetPals, an organization that is dedicated to rescuing thrown out and stray pets.

Now, the small puppy had only been too young to understand what was going on and since it is so cute, they decided to put up a post. Which garnered a lot of attention, possibly, way too much attention. The post explains, "over 633,000 people have seen the post, over 3.5K of shares, and 2500 comments" in 48 hours from a single post of a puppy being dumped on boxing day. What was even funnier and slightly frustrating was how the comment section was divided into two alliance: the "we support Pet Pals camp" and the " this page is rubbish and the owner is a donut camp".

Barry is now healthy and running like every other puppy, let's hope we don't see anymore dumped puppy and ruckus just for posting a picture of it!

They added:

I was criticised for publishing the puppy as he was not up for adoption, I was slated for calling the puppy Basura which according to one mortified lady “means bin in Spanish” yes dear I know, that was sort of the point. this went on and on, like a dripping tap all day… moan, bitch, whinge.
Thankfully there were some great comments, some intelligent PM’s and some genuine interest in what I do. Sadly out of the 633,000 people that clicked on the post, 27 donated towards my vets bill, yep its creeping up again. But hey cannot have it all. So thanks Barry Basura for causing a stir, and getting people on the page, but come on guys calm down it is only a puppy!

PetPals Said:

Barry was thrown in the bin most likely due to being an unwanted gift. Puppies in bins happens a lot here sadly. Many are killed and not found in time. He is approximately 4 weeks old and was infested with fleas malnourished and anaemic. He is doing well now though.

Where is the love? At PetPals it seems. Keep doing you, guys.