20+ Hilarious Gift Boxes That Will Weird Out Your Friends

The end of the year is nearing and it's that time of the year to prepare gifts for your beloved ones. Well, with innovation being the thing that everyone seems to be talking about, let's see how these innovated products work out for your friends!

We are not sure if all or any of them work at all, but they are definitely something to get and keep your friend reminded that you love them. Kinda.

Well, these boxes are actually fake! They are boxes designed by Prank-O, a Minnesota-based comedy company dedicated to inventing humor through boxes. This series is called 'Prank Packs'. Don't worry, they also come with puns and marketing lines that will surely get you hooked up. Not to mention that there might be companies out there thinking to actually manufacture them.

Go on, have fun, and stalk their Instagram, pranko, for more in the future!

More info: Instagram

#1 Majestic Moon Puzzle

#2 Donald J. Trump Tweet Printer

#3 Feeding System For Your Baby

#4 Understand What Your Pet Says

#5 "Take A Nap, Anytime.. Anywhere!"

#6 Let Your Pet Do The Cleaning

#7 Turn Your Liquid Gold Into Leafy Greens

#8 Cheese Printer

#9 Handy Hand

#10 The Blanket That Covers Up To 8 People

#11 Put The "Weight" To Keep Your Toddler Still

#12 Personal Cleaning Wheel

#13 Let Your Toddler Explore The Wonders Of Fire-Lighting

#14 Bacon Scented Dryer Sheets

#15 Talk With Your Friends Using A Travel Mug

#16 The Perfect Length Power Cord To Use Anytime, Anywhere

#17 Use Your Wheel To Surf, Read And Work

#18 Earwax Candle Kit

#19 Motion Controlled Video Game

#20 Prepare Your Coffee While In Shower

#21 Face Heater That You Can Use Anytime, Anywhere

#22 Serving Vest For Your Pet

#23 Virtual Reality Headsets For Your Pet

#24 Slipper Speakers

#25 Personal Fart Filter

#26 Carry Your Devices On Your Forearm

#27 Use Your Alarm Clock As A Griddle

#28 Fresh Stir Fry.. Anywhere

#29 Talk With Your Friends Without Using Hands

#30 Let Your Pet Be The True Artist