I Have Lived In Australia For 5 Years And I Want To Tell You About Interesting Things That I Come Across Here Every Day

For 5 the past 5 years, Natasha has been living in a country where everyone goes on their heads, or rather in Australia, in the city of Sydney. While in the country, she worked as a marketer while still running her blog on Instagram and organizing picnics for Russian. Life on the Green continent has been amazing and she hasn’t come to terms with some of the amazing discoveries she made.

Natasha moved to Australia when her husband received a work permit. They decided to try to try out the life in the distant country, but later on, loved it and stayed. As in any other country, there are many pros and cons of living in Australia. The best way is by heading to their immigration website and check out the requirements and rules which keep on changing from time to time.

Well, in order to make it easier to make a decision, some information on the Australians will set the ball rolling.

More info: Instagram

We moved Australia thanks to my husband, who received a work permit


#1. There is no eternal summer in Australia


Most people think that in Australia it is always warm and sunny and you can swim in the warm ocean all year round. Well for a fact, the continent is very sunny with an average of (250 sunny days a year.). Ironically, the weather can be very unpredictable. For instance, in Sydney, the ocean rarely warms up to comfortable temperatures.

Residents are forced to go Holidaying in Fiji or Thailand The country is large; several climatic zones pass through it: from the tropics in the north to a cooler climate with rainy winters in the south. Amazing as it sounds, there are even ski resorts where real snow falls (though they are bit pricey).

# 2. In winter, it may be warmer outside than at home


Here's a paradox: despite the fact that winters are not surpassed here, the lack of central heating and “cardboard walls” make the indoors colder than in Russia. Australians save themselves as they can: use heaters and just dress warmer. Uggs, in which they walk the streets all over the world, are put on houses here.

#3. Australians love the ocean and nature

A typical road in a residential area: along with cars, many families park boats, sometimes just two. In Sydney, more than a hundred beaches (just imagine, every weekend you can choose a new one!), And people try to spend their free time with benefits. Many people enjoy surfing, ride on small boards, and someone just swims or rests in the shade. 

#4. Relaxed, slow and unbearable accent


Locals speak quickly, swallow sounds, and even use a lot of abbreviations: arvo = afternoon, brekky = breakfast; add some of the abbreviations from Asians and Indians and you won't get your head around the lingua in Australia. However, the locals have an unusual mentality that might be of interest.:

Australians at work are not laid out completely and believe that it is better to make 80% and go surfing. They live and work by a slogan  “I work for life, but I don’t live for work” is .·
No one is straining; And why, when in one hand a cup of coffee, and before the eyes stretch the endless ocean? You can go out in pajamas, sweatpants, but at least barefoot! Nobody cares. It may seem that people here are a little infantile, and usually, they are until they are 30-35 years old: at this age, Australians create families and have children (usually 2-3, no less).

This is strange, but, despite their relaxed approach to life, Australians love to plan everything in advance. Flights buy for 8-9 months before the trip, they plan a vacation for the year ahead, meeting with friends for a month.·Australians will not climb into the soul, and in general when communicating will behave politely and keep a distance, avoiding those that can be unpleasant. 

#5. Here they don’t worry about what to wear

No one will stare at you if you come to work in dented trousers and a shirt: if it is so comfortable for you, then why not? Australians also have another habit - they love to drive a car barefoot.  Well, it is convenient and comfortable we can give them that.

#6. Australia is a country for changeover


#7. In Australia, everything tends to kill you - is it true?


If everything was so bad, it is unlikely that the Australians would be among the ten happiest nations in the world. Sharks, poisonous snakes, cockroaches the size of a matchbox and spiders with a palm are found here, but people somehow adapted to live peacefully with the surrounding flora and fauna. 

Elementary rules help reduce fears and protect yourself: you should shake out your shoes before putting it on (if someone crawled into the shoes), while outdoor recreation, watch your things carefully and swim gently in the ocean. Caution does not hurt anyone!

Small sharks swim to the beach almost every day, but these are all types that are not dangerous for humans. Large sharks from the ocean swim rarely (they were only seen 3 times in a season on a beach): when this happens, the beach is closed.

#8. The number of kangaroos is larger than the population.


Australia's national treasure is subject to a compulsory census: as of 2011, 34 million kangaroos lived in Australia. Compare with the population in 2011: 23 million people, which means that Australia has more kangaroos than people. Here is such an interesting statistic.

On the streets of Sydney, a kangaroo, of course, is not to be found, but it is worth moving a little further inland to the national parks, as the probability of meeting these animals increases dramatically. True, they are a little stupid: regularly run out on the road and rush under the wheels of cars.

#9. Australia has been taught to be careful in the sun


The bad news: there is an ozone hole over Australia The good news: according to experts, the ozone layer will fully recover in 30-50 years. Meanwhile, the population is trying to adhere to the rules of safety in the sun and has taught them to children since childhood. For example, a hat is an obligatory part of a school uniform:

 It is not customary to sunbathe in the sun, and special tents are bought for the beach.  Australia has very strict laws regulating the production of sunscreens, so the creams are effective and high quality. There are even phone apps that will tell you what level of solar activity it is today, and recommend the level of protection. 

#10. Overall, this is why we think Australia is a cool country


  • Nature.  Australian nature and animal world is far much amazing- for this; you don’t even need to leave the city. For example, national parks and natural reserves, located in the Sydney metropolis, cover an area of 188 hectares, and most often these are pieces of untouched wildlife. 
  • Weather. Like it or not, the weather in Australia is excellent. So, in Sydney, the temperature never drops below zero, it does not snow, on a good winter day, you can even walk in a jacket. 
  • Comfort. Australian cities are the best fit for a comfortable and relaxing life. Ramps and elevators for those who are forced to move in a wheelchair are thought out. Riding on the roads here is a sheer pleasure, and most of the signs are a picture and an explanation. Road marking helps you to turn in the right row.
  • People. Australians are kind, open and cheerful, always ready to help and will not pass by a person in trouble. They do not worry about the little things, which means there are much less stress and pressure. People know how to enjoy life, spend a lot of time with friends and family.
Would you like to go to Australia or have you been to this country? Share your opinion with us in the comments.