The thought of getting married is both exciting and scary. Will the weather be good, will the guests be impressed, will I it in my dress? For some, the anxiety messed up with their heads and they come up with some of the most narcissistic requirements to ensure the day.
Well, brides are the center of attention for most weddings, but that doesn’t mean they should dictate how the whole universe fares. One unsatisfied wife-to-be made such ridiculous dress code demands that one of the invited guests leaked them online. While the internet tried to reason with her, well, even their charm didn’t serve as much as a wake-up call. Check out below to see how it all went down.
Preview photo: Unsplash / Christopher Campbell

Reptile 8488 (Not the actual photo) -Via
This wife-to-be, for example, made such ridiculous dress code demands, one of the invitees leaked them online. What do you think happened after she found out about it? I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t a wake-up call. Scroll down to check out how she lost her sh*t, and if you won’t believe people can be so unreasonable, take a look at the bride who asked her guests $1,500 each.

Here’s the post she was talking about if you were wondering what the demands were:

We decided to illustrate what the “thin guests” are supposed to wear. Women: 100-160 LBS

Men 100-200 LBS

People were just speechless after reading the whole thing:

Image credits: cappaccinodagreat -Via