What kind of jokes do you enjoy? Creatively made puns aren't always cringey when done right, like how the "Fruit Gone Bad" series is such a favorite among us, even for young people. The NY-based artist successfully inserts the innuendos in seemingly innocent comics.
But to be fair, they are innocent illustrations of bananas and cherries just having fun. Like, these are totally SFW, so get your mind out of the gutter now. You and about 81k other followers of his page. And without further ado, we share with you 20 of our favorite comics of his below, and do give his page a follow here if you love them!

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via

fruitgonebad -Via