David Beckham Slammed For Kissing His Daughter Harper, 10, On The Lips

David Beckham's most recent picture with his daughter Harper has yet garnered negative comments. The 46-year-old former football star was since hugging and kissing her 10-year-old daughter in the adorable photo. It wasn't the first time he's shown off his family pictures on social media and criticized for the familial love gesture towards his daughter.

Many people were complimenting the lovely duo, but some felt uncomfortable with the peck on the lips.

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One user wrote a comment of how the picture did not sit right with them, "She is a big girl now time for you to stop kissing her on the lips... Bad to kiss your daughter... ....comeee oooonnnn guys! Victoria tell this to not doing anymore... not good...

"b'cause ok ...father and daughter I undurstand love is ok,but to me this is not clear exaple for promote love,many ways have to promote love kiss dougter in mounth for me is bit freak ..sorry but that is my opinion."

On the other hand, however, many came to the parents' defense by sharing how they still give their parents pecks to show their love.

The father always receives comments that called him a "freak" and that kissing his girl on the lips is "inappropriate."

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Earlier in the day, Victoria shared a lovely note from Harper that shows her love for the parents before the two went out for a walk.

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Victoria hasn't received backlashes for kissing her daughter on the lips, a gesture that is pretty common in the Beckham family.

"Dear mummy and daddy, I love you sooo much night night, sleep well love you. I hope you had a nice dinner. Love you with all my heart. Love Harper', with a series of kiss and heart signs."

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Despite regularly receiving criticisms from people who aren't used to the gesture, Beckham never really felt bothered.

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His social media account has always been filled with his family pictures, and he'd occasionally post pictures such as this type despite everyone's comments. When Harper was 7, he also posted a picture of him kissing her while they were ice-skating in London.

Then another before this was in October 2020. Throughout the time, the father has always shared pictures of him spending quality time with his daughter.

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Many people did not see anything wrong with this and argued that they do have the same custom and culture as the Beckham family.

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A lot of users came to protect the two from people who were making comments that implied something inappropriate is going on.