A young woman shocked people on TikTok when she revealed that, unlike most mothers, hers had run away with her ex-boyfriend when she was just 17 to have his baby. And for months that followed up to their escape, she'd been convinced that she imagined it all, gaslit to never talk about it in fear she'd break her family up.
“My mum slept with my boyfriend behind my back for 8 months up until the day before my 18th birthday, then left with him and has since had a baby and got engaged. 4 years with no contact,” she shared the story with TikTok.

“Here’s the story of how my mum ran off with my boyfriend at the time, has got engaged, and has since had a baby. It went on for about a year."
“In terms of my initial relationship with this person, I was 17 when we got together and he was 21. Absolutely normal, but I was very naive."
And here's where things start going wrong, “So literally one month into the relationship, this person was staying over at my parents’ house, my parents would be cooking tea, my dad works really hard, he still does, so would fall asleep on the sofa and my mum and boyfriend at the time were supposed to be doing the washing up."
“Now I just had a gut feeling that something was not right, I thought I could hear noises, I wasn’t sure. So I walked down the stairs and found my mum on the side with my ex-boyfriend standing in between her legs and they were clearly kissing."

She recalled how the teen-her was so shocked at what happened, and she had "reacted terribly" to the sight. She continued, “I ran upstairs, like something out of a film, never experienced anything like that in my life, and it was very much a 'don’t touch me' moment."
The two denied anything that happened when confronted but it just got worse. They managed to convince her that she was imagining it.
“I was taken into the doctors, I was put on medication and it was very much drilled into me that if I was to come out with anything, that my brother would be brought up without a mum and that would be my fault."

She loves her family and is very family-oriented, which was why the threats worked. They managed to make her give in to taking the medications as she didn't want to break up her family.
Things started in March, and they continued until October, but she kept getting bothered by the things they'd do behind their back throughout the time.
“There was a time when he put his hands on me and cut my eye and instead of comforting myself, my mum went and took him for a coffee to see if he was ok," she gave an example.
“She had sneaked downstairs at night and slept with him in the cars and then they would both get into bed - him with me and my mum with my dad,” she recalled another.
The day it all blew up was when they were all out working that day and she was planning to treat them to a dinner that night.

“His phone was on the side, we were both running around getting ready after work to go for dinner, and he had a message pop up on his phone. Now this message was from my mum. Bare in mind the last few months I had been put on mediation and told that I was crazy."
“I had noticed a few times over the few months that she had been messaging him with hearts at the end of messages and when I brought this up I was told I was being paranoid and they are acting like a normal family would do and that I was being crazy and controlling."
“Anyway, he had a message come through and that was from my mum and that message was along the lines of ‘Hey baby I hope you’ve had the best day at work, you’re my world’."
“So at this point, I lost my head; I grabbed his phone. I think he panicked so he grabbed me and I was sort of pinned up against the wall. We both then got into a bit of a scuffle and during this time I made a phone call to my mum to say, ‘what has been going on?’. She was screaming down the phone, saying get off him."
“I would just like to make it clear that I was in no way attacking this boy. If anything he was scuffling trying to get his phone back.”
She then drove to her dad's workplace to tell him everything that had happened. Right after the incident, she just "broke down" in front of her dad to pour it all out.

She recalled, “It still breaks my heart now to think that I had to do that to my dad. He took it amazingly, all he was worried about was making sure that me and my brother were ok."
“Now, by the time that we got home, not only had my mum packed her stuff and left, she had taken our family dog and our family car. She just left us with nothing."
“I know we’re all laughing about it now but it’s something that was really difficult to deal with at the time. It hugely affected me, my dad, and my younger brother.”
In a different video answering some questions, she revealed that she's cut off all communications with her and she's "blocked on social media right away."
People were in shock at hearing what her mom was capable of doing to her own family. One wrote, “I'm so sorry you went through that. Your mum is selfish and toxic and doesn't deserve you. Definitely speak to a therapist, don't deal with it alone.”
“How on earth could your own mum do this to you,” wrote another.
Another read, “Oh my god, this goes from bad to worse! I can’t believe she put you on MEDICATION. Twisted.”