25 Hilarious Times Universe Decided To Troll One Person Peculiarly

We [humans] have days in our life when the going gets a bit tough. One issue arises after nothing, leaving you to feel the universe is against YOU. And just when you try to stay on top of the situation, it naturally still feels like the more the effort, the worse things go. Well, most at times, Planet Earth enjoys playing a game by targeting its inhabitants. And to prove it, a Reddit page titled “Eff You In Particular” has been dedicated to precisely such incidents. 

While the mentioned above state can be genuinely detrimental, it’s only fair to blame it on bad luck and share it with the world for a laugh, the same way these people [compiled below] did. However, the community describes itself as the home of pics, videos, and GIFs of people/things taking comical injuries, general physical comfort, and beatings while being singled out. Following a glance, you definitely will find most downright relatable. Enjoy!


RayJW -Via


vk23621322362232 -Via


CountZapolai -Via


meister2a -Via


Vargorx -Via


cseellis -Via


ImgursHowUnfortunate -Via


ItsOriginalUsername -Via


Zee_Ventures -Via


Matt_Feddi -Via


iminiki -Via


Alaskan_Lost -Via


giorgiozamp -Via


TVjanbaaz -Via


iminiki -Via


You-OK-Hun -Via


analgrunt -Via


nevernude143 -Via


JohnZ117 -Via


sendintheotherclowns -Via


AvoidMySnipes -Via


JksG_5 -Via


bad_at_thinking -Via


afaber003 -Via


thorn773 -Via