Artist’s 30 Funny Comics About Random Thoughts We Don’t Talk About

Do you like comics? The webcomic SAMIMATIONS on Instagram should be among your top list. It launched in late 2020 and solely aimed at keeping people away from getting bored. The brain behind the artwork, whose identity remains unknown but currently a student, takes inspiration from numerous YouTube animators, including JaidenAnimations and artists. 

Ideas to illustrate usually stem from memes while scrolling through social media platforms and majorly from random thoughts. Each frame of Samimations comics, as seen, is equipped with a vibrant and lively feel to it. Similarly, the drawings are colorful, guaranteed to grab your attention at a glance. Here we’ve collated some recently uploaded, so sit back, grab a drink, and scroll through right away. Enjoy!

More info: Twitter | Instagram |

Self Control.

The Tingly Feeling.

World Problems.

Time For Bed.

It's Dark In Here.

Renaming Animals.

The 'G' In 'GIF.'

The Penguin Proposal.

Change Is Inedible.

The Imaginary GF.

Do You Care?

Renaming Animals III.


Three Words.

Love Is Strong.

Fluent In Silence.

The Legit Snack.

Be Like Blue Whale.


Good Job.

Cold Outside.

Male Bees Or Drones.

Disturb And Love.

A Lottle.

Hey, There Handsome.

May I Know What You Create?

What Is Home?

Coffee Or Tea?

LAZY, A Strong Word.

Mimi Goes Shopping.