Woman Found Out She Was Pregnant After Wetting Herself At The Supermarket

Never did 19-year-old Brenna Huckaby imagine that she'd be expecting a child at the age of 19. Then a teen, she believed UTI was the biggest problem she should be worried about after having an accident at the supermarket. But the test results came out, revealing she was pregnant for five months. But before this, she claimed that she'd been told she's had multiple infertile diagnoses.

"I can't believe I'm telling this story on the internet..." she wrote in the a series of video telling how she found out about her pregnancy.

"When I was 19 I had just qualified for the US National Snowboarding team and moved into a new apartment with my puppy," the woman shared. "I went shopping at Walmart with my puppy, I had to use the moto vroom carts bc (sic) my prosthetic leg wasn't fitting due to weird swelling. When I was looking at coffee filters, I had the urge to pee."

"Then I proceeded to full bladder unload in [aisle] 6 (peed my pants). Horrified I put my dog on my lap to cover my accident and I proceeded to finish shopping and check out in my pee pants bc (sic) I wanted to play it off."

"I left Walmart (as fast as I could) and called my mum because I was so anxious that there was something wrong with me. She told me to call the dr to check for a UTI."

She went to the doctor, who prescribed her anti-anxiety drugs to calm her down. But she made sure to ask her about the UTI. The results came out, and it wasn't UTI, nor was there any glucose, so it wasn't diabetes. She was healthy.

Except for protein, and Brianna did not want to take chances. So she took that test 6 years ago and found out the actual cause.

"I told the doctor but I assured her there's no way I would be pregnant due to multiple infertility diagnoses and I'm on birth control," she explained.

But the result was completely unexpected.

Like most teens, she was shocked and upset about the ordeal she thought she had to go through. But looking back now, Brenna could call her 6-year-old girl to be the best thing to have ever happened to her.

She raised the little girl with her husband and shared the story with a smile on her face. The TikTok video has been watched 3.9 million times now.

People were wondering how did Brenna went on for months not knowing she was pregnant.

@brennahuckaby Part 2 #truestory #storytime #teenpregrancy #oopsies #wesurvivedandthrived ♬ original sound - Sarah Cothran

She explained that she never had any symptoms and felt like she was in tip-top shape. Parenting was challenging, especially when you're young and four months away from the due date. She shared, "Of course, but it straightened me out reeaaalll quick and it ended up working out luckily."

Another person shares that Brenna's story was familiar, "My friend found a baby at 20 weeks when looking for a kidney stone on a scan... it happens!"

Three months after delivering her baby and returning to Utah, Brenna went back into the competition. She was the only US female player to win two World Championship titles and then the Paralympic Games in the snowboarding category.

brennahuckaby -Via

tiktok | brennahuckaby -Via