Australian fitness star Bree Lenehan pulls off one fantastic post where she exposes her belly next to her Instagram-perfect fitness shots. The 25-year-old influencer shares the pictures with her 460k followers on Instagram, where the body positivity advocate talks about how people need to stop chasing after crazy beauty standards that were actually pictures taken from a flattering angle after sucking in your belly.
She shares fitness tips and often uses her platform to post uplifting messages for her followers.
"The way you FEEL is so much more important than the way you LOOK," she wrote in one of her posts. "Living a life full of things that makes you happy > being miserable on your endeavor to look a certain way."
In her most recent post, she encourages people to be positive in their own opinions about themselves because those words have "the power to make or break you."
She wrote, "I know it won’t be as easy as that for everyone, so please don’t feel like a failure if you can’t bring yourself to be kind."

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"BUT please try to remember that when you speak about yourself throughout the day (every day), your mind & body takes that in," she continued. "It starts to become part of your identity. And not only does your body take those comments in, your friends, your family, your colleagues, your audience online does too."
Previously, she also shared a clip of herself enjoying a huge fast-food meal with burger and onion rings to send a message that it's okay to enjoy your oily, greasy food. She told her followers, "You don’t have to avoid eating before trying on dresses. You don’t have to avoid eating whatsoever."
"Moral of the story: the challenge of the week: let’s try to be mindful of the thoughts we tell ourselves & the comments we make about ourselves."

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"It’s okay to have a bad body image day," she added.

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"I’d never tell you to internalize your feelings, but try to acknowledge when those thoughts are happening & get into the habit of rephrasing them or doing your best to be kinder to yourself."
She writes how her kids will never hear her make negative comments about her own body—followed by a post that shows how people are so looking up to a Barbie's figure that is super unhealthy and unrealistic.