Artist Beautifully Draws The Love Life Of A Couple That Everyone Wants To Live

The little things in a relationship are what matter the most. And this is why the small and sweet moments couples share are the ones that make them truly happy. From taking cute selfies together to cuddling up, these kinds of moments are naturally filled with happiness, and Yes, Artist Pt.mahnfa depicts them all perfectly through beautiful illustrations. 

You can’t help but admire the way the characters in this webcomic series hold on to romance. The duo seems entirely devoted while being expressive about their everyday life. The connection is downright what makes the series very interesting to read through. So here, we’ve collated the artist’s newest; scroll on to check them out, and don’t forget to follow up for more captivating comics. Enjoy.

More Info: Instagram

We Don't Want The Best. We Just Need Someone Who Really Wants To Have Us.

I Want To Go Everywhere With You. I Want To Spend Time With You For A Long Time. I Want To Be Together And Give Love Caring For Each Other Forever.

Does Not Have To Be Special For Anyone. Special For Us Is Enough. We Cherish

She Is A Special Gift For Us Because Of All Our Happiness Always Have You As A Part Of It

He Is A Person Who Loves His Girlfriend Very Much, Wants To Kiss, Want To Kiss, Want To Kiss His Head, Want To Squeeze His Cheeks.

If You Ask Me How Much I Love You.

I Like To Cherish You And I Like When You Are Jealous Too.

She Is Always Our Favorite.

If We Find Someone Who Is Good Enough, Then We Will Stop Looking For Others.

Love Your Smile, Love Your Eye Contact, Love Your Kisses, Love Everything That Is You.

Never Believed In The Word Forever Until I Met You.

More Than Meet Well, Being With You And Hugging You.

Falling In Love With Her More And More Each Day.

I Want To Hug You But You Are Far Away. Stay Over There. Take Good Care Of Yourself.

What We Love We Will Be Happy.

Since I Met You.

It's Hard To Find The Right Person. But The More Difficult Thing Is How To Stay With Him For As Long As Possible.

Still Standing Still With The Same Words That She Is Always A Favorite For Us.

You Are The Reason Why We Can't Love Anyone Anymore.

I Love That I Want To Be With You For A Long Time.

Is It Different? When You're Alone Or When You're Married?

You Will Be Special To Be With Me Every Moment. And You Are My First And Last Special Person.

I've Been With Him Like This For A Long Time. I Hugged Him Like This For A Long Time.