Artist’s 25 Beautiful Comics About The Cute Moments Of Being In Love

The webcomic ‘Grim_b’ Instagram features two characters who are both a couple and a lover. Artist Grimbi is the brain behind this exceptional, which has since attracted 524K followers. “When I need something warm, I want to draw a picture like a blanket that can I bring and cover; reads Artist Grimbi's description on Instagram. In particular, the series captures the details of being a couple and in love with a warm and witty sensibility.

Artist Grimbi mainly works on KakoTalk emoticons and presently selling five types of emoticons under the name of Grimbi. The animator has even collaborated with Netflix to create emoticons to promote a drama. In 2016, Grimbi started with the essay illustration book ‘Sunny Despite The Clouds,’ and has now been published. And in addition, Grimbi often does cover design and paperwork. Without any further ado, we’ve collated his newest; guaranteed to want to make you fall in love.

More Info: Instagram
























