‘War and Peas’ trademark remains a hilarious, unexpected ending that never fails to catch an audience off guard. The ongoing webcomic is launched by Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich from the German-French border town Saarbrucken. The duo tells stories with a pinch of dark humor that often results in a hilarious plot twist. You sure need this for a bit of relief!
The artists’ sense of humor is proven from the 1m followers on Instagram. And interestingly, they’ve been illustrating for over 9years, particularly since 2011. However, these 4-panel strips are filled with situations ranging from loneliness, relationship, and other problems of today’s society. What’s the inspiration? Day-to-day life observations are the key to the artists’ hilarious comics. Without any further ado, scroll down to our compilation of the artists’ newest. It’s guaranteed you’ll Lol.
More Info: Instagram