Ever the heard the phrase ‘beard maketh a man?’ This article is merely a moment of a fashion, but looking back, we’ve to acknowledge that beards have been current and even widespread for the last 20years. The normalization of body hair, including facial hair, is on the rise, and as it appears, there are now several styles to choose from for a face shape. While women are allowing eyebrows to grow out, men have also launched theirs, called “Double Mustache.”
It’s not all easy to be a fashionable man in today’s society, and with age, you will agree that everything tends to change so quickly. However, rocking one mustache is no longer adequate; instead, two is now the main thing. Here we’ve collated photos of men who were bold enough to wear a double mustache in public. Although a few seem ridiculous and hilarious yet they deserve your applaud. Enjoy!


















