22 Bearded Women Who Set The Whole New Level Standard For Beauty

Before now, women with facial hair had a sensation of unease and wished to remain invisible among the crowds. Most often, they’re treated like a sideshow and heavily ridiculed too. Beauty standards have traditionally dictated that women’s faces should be hairless to be beautiful. In this light, many women had regularly shaved off or perhaps plucked out their beards and mustaches, a part of their identities. Feeling ugly is no alien to bearded women, but it's changing! 

Body positivity movement has garnered momentum in 2021, and like all body hair, facial hair is gradually becoming a norm and worth celebrating. Increasing numbers of women through the #BeardedWoman movement on Instagram are rebelling against the hair removal expectations and confidently letting their facial hair grow out naturally. The ladies featured in this compilation are have decided to quit maintenance while hoping to spread a powerful message about acceptance and self-love.





















