8 Signs That Your Partner Is Having An Office Affair, Reveals By Dating Expert

Do you know what can affect a prosperous work environment? Office affairs either between an employee and the boss or between colleagues. Working in an office with people from different walks of life can be downright rough, especially as one wrong call, one less deleted text message, and even flirty body signals, among others, can spark the unexpected. Neil Wilkie, a relationship expert and author of Relationship Paradigm books, has shared his viewpoint on office affairs.

Neil has admitted that an affair goes beyond just the physical and sexual elements. He added an emotional aspect where two people share deep conversations and inappropriately personal information about each other.

Experts warn that office affairs can happen unplanned, so it's a thing to be guarded about.

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Jessica Leoni, of affairs website IllicitEncounters, explains that most people often feel like work in an escape from those troubles when things get tough at home. She added that this could drive us to open up to co-workers and initiate a close bond. “If there is already a flirtationship blossoming, those lines can easily be blurred. Chuck in some office banter and what began as an innocent flirt by the coffee machine turns into a full-blown affair.” Jessica stated.

Dating Expert Jessica claims using work as an escape from home troubles can result in being open to co-workers and initiating a close bond.

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According to the Sun, Hayley Quinn, a dating coach, agrees that daily interactions can easily migrate from a cheeky conversation to an affair. She said: “Affairs in the workplace are easy. Rather than using a dating app or flirting with a stranger at a bar, it will feel easier to cross the line with someone when there’s already that feeling of familiarity.” Jessica believes there will be a spike in office affairs as workers go back to the regular. However, all of the dating experts advise to watch out for ‘work wife or work husband.” They added that over-discussing one individual remains a red flag that’s worth keeping an eye out for. 

Here’re Signs Your Partner May Be Having A Office Affair:

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  • They choose to go to every work social rather than spend time with you (and they never invite you).
  • They become secretive and cagey, particularly with their phone. 
  • Something feels off in their behavior.
  • They stay late or goes to work on weekends.
  • They keep having weekend trips with colleagues.
  • Sexual behaviors change in some way. 
  • They suddenly put more effort into their appearance for work.
  • He/she keeps bringing up their work wife/husband into discussions.

A fun flirtation at the coffee machine or a desk can easily escalate into something more, be warned.

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Nonetheless, according to statistics, office affairs are common, and about 65% of people who work in an office have had some form of romance with their colleague or boss at work. One-fifth of office workers have confessed to cheating with a co-worker, while under half of the people have claimed they know of office cheating that’s happened at work.