Everyone spends about four to five years in a higher institution studying for a degree in an ideal universe. Once completed, it’s expected to find a job related to what’s studied and slowly work way up the ladder. In between, a promotion might emerge, leading to earnings in six figures. After several years of working, retirement becomes an option to enjoy the rest of one’s life. Spoiler Alert: We all, including YOU, don’t live in an ideal world. The mentioned above remains a hot debate, especially as degrees now hardly match up with plans.
A content creator who majored in geography? A fashion designer who majored in physics? It turned out; more people aren’t allowing their degree to define their career; instead, they’re letting their interests guide them. Recently, Voice Actor Andre White, nicknamed Blackkout__, launched a fascinating trend on TikTok, asking other TikTokers to share what they majored in and what they do now. Andre went first, revealing he had majored in communications, but at the moment, he’s depressed. Depression is no joke, but of course, Andre's sense of humor is proof that we can’t figure out life at the time of graduation. Here we’ve compiled a few tales of people who have participated, sure to leave facepalm!
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At over 1.2 million views, others share just how their life is currently at where they never planned to be at.

blackkout___ -Via

marye130 -Via
“I double-majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology with a minor in psychology. And I’m now a middle school math teacher.”#2

imnot_thecoolmom -Via
“I got my associates in General Studies, my bachelor’s in Behavioral Science, my master’s in Administration of Human Services. And now I’m a stripper.”#3

cheflitty1 -Via
“Okay… Computer Engineering… And now I’m a chef.”

its_raymantv -Via

essentialjasonnelson -Via

Emily.rhein -Via
“In college, I majored in Anthropology, Archeology and got a minor in History. I was a published archeologist by age 21, and I made Dean’s list every single semester. Now, two years later, my nickname is ‘dumb b**ch’ at a restaurant, and I get reprimanded constantly by the people around me for being stupid.”#7

Jordan_The_Stallion8 -Via
“I was a double major. I majored in History and I majored in Kinesiology. I wanted to be a professor. Now I work at a Chipotle where I get in trouble for smacking bean bags and then I work at a Krispy Kreme where I get called ‘donut boy’ by adults.”

kcanddri -Via

hswalters767 -Via

caytemps -Via
“I majored in Theater – acting. And I act like I give a f**k every single day of my goddamn life.”

banakula -Via
“In college I spent most of my time avoiding my studies learning to play the harmonica. Today I make my living playing the harmonica and the grandmother of the harmonica.”

marcusterritory -Via
“I did my bachelor’s in general arts with a minor in Philosophy, I have my paralegal license from the Law Society of Ontario, and I did my master’s in Public Policy with a focus in Law. I currently tell people not to murder each other on the internet, and sell weasel-themed merchandise.”

pooh19141 -Via
“I got my associate’s in Early Childhood Education, [then] I was a dual major in English composition and Criminal Justice, and I started my master’s program in Criminology. But now I sell potato chips.”

joedeehand -Via

dailyscoop__ -Via

ebaybayy -Via
“Believe it or not, I got a degree in Financial Management.
My Asian parents told me to study about money to make a lot of money. Of
course I listened to them, did everything right, but find out 10 years
later I was so unhappy. So after 10 years in that blood sucking boring
ash job, I quit that beesh and started a meal prep company. Now I get
paid to cook delish Lao Food and host cooking parties.
of the story: live your dreams, bish and don’t listen to nobody. Trust
yo gut and listen to yo damn self and don’t be lazy bish.”

sirfelix09 -Via

sicuracreations -Via
“So I’m graduating next May with my bachelor’s in Childhood Education, but I make self-defense keychains, and this is going to be my full-time job when I graduate.”

blisslife_coach -Via
“I was a biology major and I help depressed people.”

aspiepaws -Via
“I went to college to get a Computer Science degree to make video games. Now I educate people on autism and motivate them through public speaking.”

efinitelynotchippy -Via
“I originally went to my local community college and got my
associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. Then I transferred to Temple
University on full academic scholarship and got my Journalism degree.
Ultimately, I graduated from Penn State University with a degree in
Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in Statistics…
now I sell compromising videos and photos of myself online and tell
people how to f**k. And why do I do this you may ask? Because I make
more money that way than I do with all those degrees. In all seriousness
though stay in school.”

devanondeck -Via
“I went to school for shoe design, but I ended up dropping out. My family was poor, so I just started working a regular job but still held onto the dream. I started posting on social media, and literally 10+ years later, finally, I have my own shoe. This colorway is inspired by Goku from Dragon Ball Z, it’s a collab with one of my favorite shoe brands, Sia Collective, and it wouldn’t be possible without your support. So thanks.”

big_pem_69 -Via
“I majored in Psychology and now I go to therapy.”

jadalasha27 -Via

type2fu -Via
“I majored in Electrical Engineering, and now I am an Electrical Engineer. Y’all really hate on STEM majors until we all have jobs!”