Artist's 14 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Twists You Never See Coming

Endings you never see coming is the description to an exploitable webcomic, created by Artist SpaceBoyCantLol on both Facebook and Instagram. It’s 4-panel comic strips that depict scenes of your most cherished famous characters. Coming up with the perfect stupid joke and twisting them in a not-so-stupid way takes a lot of effort, and indeed spaceboy can’t lol has proved that no matter, he’s the real deal.

Do you enjoy a pinch of dark humor and awkwardness? You’ve landed on the right article. Both dark humor and a little odd is what makes spaceboy can’t lol comics tempting than ever. From Hulk and Thor hanging out on the swings together, aliens flying to earth to zombies hunting people who passed their IQ test here’s a compilation of the artist’s newest. You will cringe but, of course, will laugh out loud.

More Info: Facebook Instagram

Be Careful Of What You Wish For In Life.

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Hungry? Try Zoe’s Pizza.

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Zombies And Planet Earth.

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Get A Job, Superfree Man.

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Should Bad Guys Always Have Fun?

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The Push.

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New Species Discovery.

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When In A Parallel Universe.

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The Optimist, Pessimist Thanos.

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The Miss Universe Content.

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We Come In PEAS.

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Are We Alone In This Universe?

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Bruce And Yes, Alfred.

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If Everyone Take Words Too Literally.

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