30 Comics By SpaceBoyCantLol With Unexpected Dark Humor

Mohit, the artist behind SpaceBoyCantLol, a webcomic, has indeed brought something entirely new to the table. The comic strips challenge both reality and logic with absurd situations that often end in twists that are never seen coming. Ranging from light-hearted to hilarious and darkish tones, it’s undeniably a comic for everyone’s taste. In particular, if you are a lover of superheroes and pop culture, Mohit strips are perfect for you, especially as they capture heroes' daily struggles. 

For Artist Mohit, it turned out dark undertones attracted his audience more, and indeed it has become a perfect means to preach about the ridiculous aspects of human lives humorously. At the moment, the artist has over 39K followers on Instagram, and they certainly couldn’t resist the dose of entertainment, same as we. While Space boy can’t, Lol, it doesn’t mean you can’t, and so we’ve collected Mohit’s newest for a crack up. Grab a bowl of popcorn and glance through! 

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