30 People Whose Hilariously Edited Instagram Pics Look Beyond Fake

The height that people go to get the perfect Instagram photo is quite wild. People worldwide now earn a living by sharing candid and beautiful pictures on Instagram; hence, each picture must be as pristine as possible. But, most at times, these Instagrammers or perhaps influencers go the step too far with the filters and photoshop, which hilariously result in their content looking so good they’re bad. However, nothing escapes the eye of the Instagram Reality Subreddit

If you are new to the Subreddit, it’s regarded as a community that searches and shames the most heavily photo-edited Instagram photos. Countless fake Instagrammers have continually felt the heat of the subreddit trolls. Indeed, the slams are enough to make anyone thinking photoshop think twice as you being a victim isn’t an option. FYI, no matter how stunning photos on your Instagram feed appear, 80% of them aren’t authentic. If this sounds unbelievable, you then will have to take a look at our compilation. These photo edits are hilarious, but a few are downright creepy. Have a look!

“So what now, are we supposed to be ashamed of our… ankles?”

LaComtesse. -Via

“Skin? Never heard of her.”

SageKitty666 -Via

“Just a reminder that the best of the best influencers can’t and don’t live up to the expectations they set for the rest of us.”

beybeybeybeybe -Via

“When one person posts the edited photo and the other posts the original.”

sunshineandstuff -Via

“Had this saved as inspiration to lose weight when struggling with an eating disorder. Now, I can’t believe I never noticed the water bending around her waist.”

daziesandconfuzed -Via

“Found on a thinspo account. Send help.”

reddit -Via

“No filter but Instagram says otherwise at the top.”

lilteccasglock -Via

“I thought people had more sense than to believe this is real, but she popped up on my feed because friends of mine shared images like this as ‘goals.'”

zephaone -Via

“So we gone talk about that leg or nah.”

inuttedinyourdad -Via

“The mirror always seems to expose these people.”

ErraticSherlockian -Via

“On TV vs. on Instagram.”

endlessdaysofsummer -Via

“So hot, the car melted.”

reddit -Via

“She’s 50 years old and photoshops herself to look like she’s in her late 20s. Women, there is nothing wrong with looking your age. You’re not expected to look like a 20 year old forever.”

reddit -Via

“Got that PS1 graphics look.”

cordyceps -Via

“I literally have no words…”

092mlk -Via

“Not even craters are safe from mad filtering.”

_-_FanGirl_-_ -Via

“Jawline looking like the hull of a ship.”

gapinthecurtains -Via

“Blursed rich man.”

reddit -Via

“Angles change people.”

Tuii145 -Via

“Don’t compare yourself to photoshopped people.”

reddit -Via

“Where do I begin?”

WinterPlanet -Via

“He forgot to photoshop the iPhone box’s shadow.”

reddit -Via

“Oh my God.”

OpnerOner -Via

“Shrunken head.”

reddit -Via

“Gym sessions were lit.”

Oloolua -Via

“Hope this was not posted yet. Can‘t believe how she thinks that’s acceptable.”

anywayhey -Via

“The original has finally seen the light of day.”

apolloastral -Via

“Eyes, skin, cheekbones… So natural looking…”

TA8601 -Via

“I guess she thought no one would notice her editing if she blurred out her surroundings…?”

Sapph1re -Via

“I didn’t know there was a wax statue in Milan.”

reddit -Via