Maddie Lambert is a YouTuber popular for sharing her story about teen pregnancy. The 17-year-old found out that she was pregnant with Everly at the age of 13. When people found out, she was sent with many death threats as online trolls kept pestering and telling her to 'die in labor.' The young Texan mom shared her story on Truly.
After finding out that she was pregnant, Maddie admitted that she contemplated abortion or putting the baby up for adoption.

But Maddie's maternal instinct kicked in. She said, "Literally the second I looked at that ultrasound screen I knew I can’t give up this baby."
Maddie herself never imagine she'd be one of those people she 'looked down.'

As a young girl, she used to look down on other teen moms because of how they were portrayed in TV shows, especially MTV's "Teen Mom."
"When I actually got pregnant, I was so scared of the reaction I was going to get, and I did get a lot of negative reactions, a lot of hate," Maddie shared.
"Everybody had something to say, and they didn't hold back."
Adorable Everly is now 3 years old!


Many people didn't think she could be a great mom and that by keeping her, she was "ruining her life." She also receives messages containing addresses to abortion clinics when she was 7-month pregnant.
Because she was still young, she still had to attend school. She remembered the bullying when her classmates would put balls under the T-shirt and said, "Hi, I'm Maddie Lambert. I'm a teen mom."
She had Everly with ex-boyfriend Isaac, who was absent during her first 10-month,

Initially, Isaac didn't believe Maddie's claim. He was around 15 years old at the time and demanded for a paternity test. She was mad, but looking back, she regretted that she hadn't tried hard enough to be nice to him.But Isaac also reflected on his actions.

"I just couldn't accept the fact that it happened, but it happened," said the father. "Maddie had the most hate for me, which was correct. I messed up right there.'Her journey as a YouTuber only started when Everly was four months old.

Maddie continued, "So many people assume I’m a bad mom just because I’m a teenager, but I have the same capacity to parent as anybody this world.""A good mom is someone who drops everything for their child. I dropped my whole childhood."

Isaac visits Everly regularly and wishes that he'd been more confident.

Isaac continued, "I feel like it would just be a lot better if I would have come out, like, 'Hey, this is my daughter.'"The two had a heart-to-heart conversation about what had happened and talked many things out.


Maddie made her first video with Everly on a whim, but it quickly went viral.

In one video, she also showed Isaac visiting Everly for the first time ever.Now, the two have found a way to co-parent Everly together.

"I do everything for that little girl. She’s my entire world," said Maddie. "I feel like she can have such an impact. She wants to be the first astronaut on Jupiter."Check out the full video below!