Comics is presently a medium used for expression, and Artist Josh Sachs appears to be keying into it. With over 20K followers on Instagram, Josh, who goes by the name @baldstache, has been illustrating short comics with twisted endings about everyday life struggles. Illustrated in four-panel, the artist hopes that audience will resonate with his comics. Driving creativity while managing all budgets and timelines for his comics, Artist Josh has over a decade of animation and motion graphics experience.
Accordingly, the artist has worked with a range of high-end clients to create a video, illustrations, and animals for broadcast distribution. Webcomics Baldstache is, however, inspired by Josh’s personal and professional works. It turned out, people love the twisted endings, and of course, the colorful art style compliments the short stories. Here we’ve compiled a few of baldstache newest to brighten up your day. Have a look and do share with friends and loved ones!
More Info: Instagram




























