30 Clever Illustrations By Antоn Gudim About Modern World Irony

Ever sat to think of how much our lives have changed in the last 15years? Internet applications, smartphones, social networks, and many more have changed our lifestyle and perspective. But the ironic illustrations of a Moscow artist, identified as Anton Gudim, seem to poke fun at our unhealthy obsession with modern technology. Through his clever artworks, Artist Anton talks about people killing precious time on their smartphones, the problems of our today’s society, and the tragedies of an individual. 

Anton, who works as an IT Engineer, has been illustrating for the past 5years. Through random jokes, including a usually overlooked perspective on modern life, the artist intrigues and surprises his audience. The messages conveyed in Anton’s work ranges from hilarious to thought-provoking, but they undeniably carry the recipe of revelation. While they generally challenge our views, Anton’s illustrations invite us all to take an in-depth glance into what’s happening within our environment. We’ve collated Anton’s newest – they’re guaranteed to make you think twice. Do have a look!

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