Gorgeous Model With Vitiligo Open Up About Her Struggles To Embrace Her Unique Looks

Several years of being judged and bullied haven’t hindered a young woman from embracing her skin condition. Throwing off the shackles of a cover make-up has landed 21-Year-Old Storm Dove Frederick a life-changing career. Storm’s skin condition has caused a severe amount of stress and anxiety, as she agonized over what people say about her appearance. 

But now, Storm of East New York has found confidence and has decided to celebrate the Vitiligo she hid for years by modeling with the condition on a full display. Specifically, the model developed Vitiligo from age seven, and during middle school, she had to be walked home from school by her brother as the bullying and cruel comments became much.

21-Year-Old Storm Dove Frederick has found confidence and has decided to celebrate the Vitiligo she hid for years by modeling with the condition on a full display

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Storm has done her best in ignoring the utterances from being harassed by kids from her local neighborhood to occasional abuse from ignorant strangers. However, Storm’s journey into the modeling world was engineered by her cousin, who had set up a photo shoot in 2016. 

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Storm was 17-Year-Old then, and it was majorly inspired by people’s feedback of her having long legs and a slender frame, which fits perfectly for a modeling career. Due to her appearance, Storm was at first apprehensive, but with family and friends' encouragement, she found passion in it and soon landed her first-ever professional modeling campaign in 2019.

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A big thanks to social media, Storm has continuously received a wealth of uplifting comments on Instagram, and of course, it’s has kept her going forward. Being an inspiration to people dealing with self-confidence issues, Storm has motivated people who might be nervous about showing off their natural appearance through her vast fan base. 

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Nevertheless, Storm’s cover-up process takes up to 40 minutes, and she has to get up an hour earlier than usual before school to cover up the patches around her nose and mouth. 

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She did for an estimated two years, but eventually, the pressure of maintaining such a regime led her to embrace her exceptional looks.  Through the depressing lightning, Storm did conquer. She’s undeniably an inspiration!

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