If going through a bad phase in life, Ademar Vieira’s comics might be the perfect antidote you need right away. Artist Vieira’s ‘The Choice’ series is hinged on making an important decision that forever changes one’s life. Each morning, we (humans) make choices, leaving one timeline and perhaps entering another. Vieira’s comics are gradually attaining a presence on digital media platforms, and it’s quite impossible not to be moved by any of his stories.
In The Choice series, Vieira illustrates two different universes next to one another, portraying what it’s like to have or not have a dog. Dedicated to animals, the author believes that animals contributed to humans’ mental health amid the quarantine. The screenwriter turned illustrator draws short stories that have the perfect blend of both visuals and storytelling.
More info: Instagram





Vieira of Manaus Amazonas, Brazil, originally joined the comics’ world as a way to exorcise his demons amid a challenging phase he went through in early 2020. Sharing his first illustrations to his Instagram page, the artist realized many people found it relatable, and he did have positive feedbacks. Recovering from the wrong phase, Vieira continued to explore the problems people worldwide face, including social and political.



