Every time you pull your Instagram feed and see an incredible transformation with thousands of comments and likes, it’s almost always the work of Hair Colorist Jack Martin. Known as @jackmartincolorist, the salon owner based out of Tustin, California, commands a huge following as he regularly helps clients embrace and blend their gray hair. The majority of Jack’s captions tells typically a story about his clients, including the formula and processes he uses in attaining flawless appearances.
The colorist’s attention to details often brings forth a significant life change. Inspiring women worldwide to embrace natural gray hair with beautiful makeovers, Jake shares the before and after transformations photos on his Instagram, encouraging women to ditch hair dye. Jake believes gray hair should be seen as something that’s no longer connected with aging but positive. Here we’ve compiled his 30 newest, and they’re worth a glance!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | jackmartinsalon.com






Jake’s transformation takes an estimated 8-15hours, depending on the thickness and length of the client’s hair. And interestingly, if he does get an impression that a client is nervous amid consultation, he won’t go ahead. But remarkably, Jake has over the years proven that grey is never out of style.






The process of his transformation begins with using a color extractor to remove any attached artificial color. Preserving the gray roots, Jake bleaches the rest to the hair, preparing for a new color. Next is the placement of the original color on the hair’s natural gray pattern. Specifically, many of his clients tend to come in with about three to four inches of their roots, all grown out.







The Los-Angeles based colorist responsible for the hair transformation of Jane Fonda and Sharon Osbourne reportedly revealed the global pandemic has resulted in more women deciding to go gray naturally. There’s undeniably nothing wrong with having silver flocks!







Undergoing a transformation and appearing is amazing is satisfying, but going home and having the same confidence can be provocative. For Colorist Jake, client satisfaction is important, primarily as he builds a book of eager, non-gray clientele looking to accept the icy silver trend.


