Spending time with other people can be entertaining and even fulfilling, but from time to time, it becomes a daunting task, especially for individuals with some degree of social awkwardness.
Whether they’re introverts or just awkward, some fellows have the hardest time navigating typical social situations. Things like Ordering food is an ordeal, and so is holding a conversation with friends.
This side of human interaction is least talked about as people get uncomfortable talking about the awkward moments they experienced. But What if there was a time machine that could allow one to travel down the memory lane and revisit all those embarrassing moments? This is what these comics by Portuguese geese are about.
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These dark-humorous webcomics mostly revolve around personal experiences of the artist, specifically the awkward ones. The socially awkward guy always picks the worst words for conversations among other daily struggles revolving around his love life, friendships and other everyday themes that many socially awkward individuals will easily relate to.
















