At some point, We've all had strange, irrational fears that made us cringe in terror. Seeing ghosts in the bedroom mirror to finding yourself deep below the ocean's surface.
These irrational fears can sometimes be traced from the early childhood memories or come from some vivid world explanations grown-ups used to tell you. But sometimes, however, they are just inexplicable.
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Morbidly Delightful Needle wig comics is gaining a cult following on Twitter thanks to the amazing knack to illustrate the most paranoid corners of people's minds.






Some of the comics turn ridiculous phobias into humorous imagery, while others deal with serious mental trauma.





Cleverly done, These comics takes the audience into the terrifying world of the artist. Scrolling through, you can see that even though thoughts some might be silly, they aren‘t that uncommon and therefore encourages us to embrace them.












