Let’s introduce you to SpaceboyCantLOL, the webcomic universe where sensibilities and even logic are confronted routinely. With over 39K followers on Instagram, reading these comic strips is one sure way to pass out of time. Comics are the best antidote for challenging times, and even though they are short, they can be hilarious. The brain behind these comic strips is a big-time fan of superheroes, which are transformed into art.
Illustrating the realities of our world, SpaceboyCantLOL comics will smile while also remind you to appreciate a great sense of humor. Each comic series feel like a time capsule, and they’re totally on point. Is there good news? Of course, there is! Life ups and downs make for pretty humorous comics. If you passionately enjoy cute yet weird pun, you would love this artwork. Brace up for some little bizarre content as we’ve compiled 30 newest. Enjoy the ride, and do share with friends and loved ones.
More Info: Instagram | Facebook






A sense of dark humor isn’t new. Our brains have to make a little effort to comprehend its irony. Having such a sense implies your mind is more adept in bringing out creative problems. An excellent example of a being with a great sense of dark humor is SpaceboyCantLOL.






Passionate about superheroes, this strips touches everything from hilarious tips to unexpected situation, and they’re sure to help you get through a tedious day. Are you impressed yet? Read on!






Sad and pathetic are both illustrated in these comics, and you simply can’t enough of it. Besides, what do you find cringe-worthy? Or perhaps do superheroes make you laugh hard?





What’s the goal? To perfectly capture the realities of our world, showcasing thought-provoking situations while giving a laughter phase. From hilariously accurate to twisted plots, they are indeed laugh-out-loud worthy.





You would hence love the SquareboycantLOL comics when you get to see his work next time. This surprising spin on ordinary perceptions will get you through the workday quicker. Enjoy!
