30 Hilarious Comics For People Who Love Weird Sense Of Humor

Living on planet Earth without a sense of humor is like living without oxygen. Who doesn’t like appreciate a good sense of humor? Having a sense of humor acts as a catalyst for discussions and to an extent informs you about the person. And while it’s relatively a larger term, people with a weird sense of humor is what this article is addressing today.

Artist Matt Knight draws comics for people who appreciate humor that’s a little offbeat. His comics are hilarious, bizarre, and downright quirky. The artist is known for his signature ‘Comics by Knight’ started his webcomics about a year ago and has since gained quite a following.

With the aim to share a slightly weird sense of humor comics, Matt uses the traditional 2-4 panel format and at other times tell odd stories using just a voice over. So here, we’ve collected his latest comic strips and they’re sure to tickle you up. Have a look!

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