You’ll agree there are someday it feels like the moon have
been reached and instead of landing among the stars, a land in the dirt with a
mouthful of mud and people around laughing-out-loud is downright the reality – We’ve
all been there and it’s honestly embarrassing. Besides, a lot of us have
experienced worse incidents than even the aforesaid.
In the harvesting universe, some people have proven it’s
actually not easy to win and these photos are proof. Growing one’s food is a
worthy thing and the satisfaction that comes from harvesting what’s planted is
equally priceless. Nevertheless, attaining a worthy harvest can be tasking,
especially if you’re a newcomer. Perhaps, there’s a big shame in walking away from
your garden with a piece of banana or potato chips that are tinier than a cloth
peg. Here we’ve compiled 30 hilarious harvest fails that will crack you up real
good. Have a look!
Harvested our own limes for the first time.

hehatesthesecansz -Via
Who’s up for a drink?

eezzomiller -Via
A tiny, cute lemon tree.

kyanamariee -Via
My 400% return on investment.

wearenotsurvivors -Via
Feels like opening a ketchup factory now.

SarahNaGig -Via
Smallest bell pepper ever!

KR_from_PA -Via
Itty bitty force.

thewaitisogre -Via
Tennis-ball substitute.

rain_of_letters -Via
Big haul this year!

kegonthego -Via
Well, looks like I’m making some sauce for the ants.

goat_puree -Via
Nouf-Nouf has his own home.

Itzaguna -Via
My beloved pineapple.

Cdalblar -Via
So much garlic.

jeb_jeefa -Via
Looks like a successful banana harvest?

squatch1217 -Via
Spaghetti dinner because tomato harvest!

anxiouspumpernickel -Via
I need advice on canning my harvest now.

ross_the_winner -Via
Proudly making salad with this.

Sanka913 -Via
Eggplants looking like eggs.

PotatoParadoxHuman -Via
This is a ripe meyer lemon. Normal banana for scale.

rvdthunder -Via
We absolutely nailed our corn harvest this year.

reddit -Via
Grew my own tomatoes for the first time, my first harvest.

Julija Nėjė
Melon for the turkey.

CandyCaneTheDAD -Via
Really cute.

Taminator55 -Via
It’s something.

reddit -Via
How about a mini-apple?

Lorrain90424301 -Via
Nothing like watching your harvest grow and ripen!

nosensename -Via
Mom grew her own tomatoes this summer, looking good.

KoderaTsuki -Via
This is a super dwarf Tangerine and they said it’ll be normal size. But didn’t say in what sense. I can still peel them and they do look like a normal tangerine.

eggsnstencilcrisis -Via
A tiny corn I had.

Lucarriouu -Via
Carrot harvest, matchstick for scale.

rauwetost -Via