There are some couple moments that you can take one glance at and know that they're the kind that lasts forever. All those perfect Instagram posts by influencers may look so pretty and perfect, but those moments can't seem to compare to these old couples who still look so in love with each other. Or these couples married for 20 years who hug each other when they take naps, or these people whose eyes radiate love so much so we can't help but want to fall in love ourselves.
Let's hope we can also one day find someone towards whom we can look at with eyes full of love.
They met in preschool and he promised to marry her at three years old. After meeting each other again after 20 years, they got married.
itsnotmarina -Via
Marie’s family abandoned her after she married Jake, her true love in 1948. They’re still happily married for over 70 years through the power of love.
super_monero -Via
Dad got married one day before his 80th birthday today.
lateralus1075 -Via
Wife waited me after 3 tours overseas and after 8 years together since 2012, we’re one now.
TxSpiderRush -Via
My grandparents being adorable after 60 years married.
claire303 -Via
Look at my parents buying the same card from different stores on their 21st anniversary.
Processing— -Via
We were on LDR and had to face visa complications that separate us. We tied the knot in the end.
Girlfriend chose to be like highschool me in football outfit and she looks tough!
RastaDonut -Via
Seems like I have a clingy girlfriend.
HalpTheFan -Via
This sweet man from Outback saw us in our prom outfits and shared her picture with wife from 1949.
logangornik -Via
My 93-year-old parents who are married for 68 years now. They both have Alzheimer’s, but holding onto each other like they just fell in love yesterday.
buttonbaggins -Via
Look at my grandparents married for 60 years, new to WhatsApp.
FallenPrincessL -Via
This beautiful gem of my parents taking a nap together.
michdilop -Via
I lost my job and was finding it hard to get out of bed. A beautiful message.
FictionalNape -Via
I am 27 and finally strong enough to show love in public. I’m glad I’m here.
BenInLDN -Via
Dad gave mom an extendable fork for birthday.
TimeTravelingMouse -Via
I am a cowboy from Wyoming, married to a an Indian woman from Delhi and it’ll be 7 years this September.
Rdwomack2 -Via
This true couple goals.
_Rip_Van_Winkle_ -Via