Ever thought birds are the most innocent creatures across
the globe? If your answer is Yes, we’ve got some photos to prove you wrong.
There are undeniably a lot of people, including bosses acting like complete
jerks around us. While such acts will make you blow a rage, it’s a different
ball game with animals, especially with birds.
Birds are perhaps the biggest dreamers in the animal
universe. And if you’ve been thinking they’re downright awesome, it’s time you
learn from their owners who are highlighting how same wholesome birds can ruin
your day. You certainly won’t mess up with a bird after going through this article or would you want to experience the mishap courtesy of a feathered
friend? To give you more insight on the aforesaid, we’ve compiled a list that’ll
make you smile as well gasp deeply. Have a look!
The Nice Painting Job. Can You Spot The Leg Print?

mike_pants -Via
Captured On Camera A Second Before Official Disaster

neeveeann -Via
Bird Attempted Snacking On The Family Pet. That’s A Big Dream

MagTron14 -Via
Definitely Not A Hilarious Moment. The Keyboard Disaster

kaitkait -Via
Is Your Life Precious Or Not? Just Imagine The Aftermath

Dave Arnold Wildlife Photography,Dave Arnold Wildlife Photography -Via
When Dick Took Over The Best Parking Spot For A Display

Birdie, When Did You Get The Fake Tooth From?

Georgeisthecoolest -Via
Two Birdie Trying Out The Ballet- Classic Dance Moves

bumann -Via
This Bird Spends The Whole Day Admiring Itself In The Mirror And Defecating

DeLoreanMotorCars -Via
The Reality Of A Pelican Attempting To Eat Owner’s Phone

tinytoebeans0709 -Via
Here You Have The Australian Firehawks

Boojibs -Via
The Most Detailed Summary Of What It’s Like To Have A Bird As Pet

Gracynvh -Via
Karen Felt The Glass Cup Looks Better On The Floor

jordanekebab -Via
Birdie Kept Pecking The Window And Shouting Amid Work

Mustardbyname -Via
When Birdie Dislikes Grammar. ‘I Destroy Verything’

poliscijunki -Via
It’s So Evident That Bird Can’t Read. So Glaring!

10gags -Via
Furious Cockatoo Torn Down Anti-Bird Spikes And Threw Them To The Ground

Isaac Sherring-Tito -Via
Hawk Doesn’t Give A Damn About The Bees

Rganibi -Via
Best Revenge Ever. Buttons Off The Remote For Trimming Nails

JohnnyLad93 -Via
Cake Batter Got A Birdie Connection. So Infuriating!

GallowBoob -Via
Billy Around Friends And Family Can Be Mischievous

BurvelBillWithFriend -Via
Goose Became A Villian To Be Careful Of

tabbyexe -Via
What’s Going On Here? This Tree Is Hilariously Screwed

littlemaryfivegrains -Via
Did Bunny Grew Wings And Flew Straight To Heaven?

fyeah11 -Via
The Most Awesome Cage Break Ever

JasonMcNugget1 -Via