The oceans are vast and mysterious, covering 71% of our planet and containing all kinds of things, from plastic waste to marine species we are yet to discover. Come to think of it, the deepest of depths have the greatest treasure lying undiscovered. But sadly, not many of us have the convenience of hitching a ride in a Submersible. Lucky for us, somehow the Oceans are charitable enough to spew back some of the things humans keep throwing in them.
The best place to discover the ocean's secrets is right down at the beach. We all love taking walks at the beach anyway, so if you keep your eyes peeled and happen to be in the right place at the right time, you could just stumble upon something amazing beneath the white sands.
This practice is called beachcombing and has been a popular pastime for many years now. The more serious beachcombers can be found scouring seashores with metal detectors, hoping to find some form of treasure or relic washed onto the beach from ancient shipwrecks, or perhaps some remnants of history or wars in the past.
The people on this list have been scouring the seashores and found all kinds of amazing things on the beach. From a strange animal skull to a full set of watch repair kit dating to the '70s, these finds definitely need to be seen to be believed.
#1 My Mom Found This Beautiful Sand Castle At A Beach, In Jerusalem

#2 This Beach Keeps A List Of Commonly Found Garbage And How Long Each Takes To Decompose

#3 This Glass Ball Had Become Home To A Small Marine Ecosystem. We picked it off a Beach In Hawaii

#4 Found This Smile Soda Bottle Patented On July 11th 1922

#5 Someone Left Behind An Imprinted Rock
#6 A Chunk Of Glacial Ice Weatherd Into A Perfect Chair On A Beach In Iceland

#7 A Sandcastle With Perfectly Clean Lines

#8 My Mom Found This Kilo Of Cocaine Washed Up On A South Florida Beach.

#9 A Collection Of Tracks And Footprints I Found On The Beach. Someone Even Walked Their Bird

#10 I Celebrated My 40th Birthday At The Beach, Turns Out Mini Coca-Cola bottle existed.

#11 Giant Squid Washed Up In Wellington New Zealand

#12 Found This Pyrite Fossil On An English Beach

#13 Strangely Stacked Pianos On A Beach At Low Tide

#14 My Friend Found This Message Stuffed In A Bottle While Fishing

#15 My Brother likes Collecting Shark Teeth; He Found These After Spending 6 Hours At At Folly Beach ScThese

#16 I Went Out With My GF To Clean Our Local Beach And Found A $50 Note. Karma well deserved

#17 An Entire Watch Repair Kit Fitted In A Biscuit Tin Dating Back To The 70's. It had Washed Up at Curracloe Beach In Ireland.

#18 A Dry Piece Of Seaweed Drew Concentric Circles As It Was Rotated By The Wind

#19 A Piece Of Whale's Spinal Column Washed Up To The Shores

#20 An oddly Satisfying Pebble I found At The Beach

#21 Found This At My Local Dog Beach

#22 Found This Shell On Corporation Beach On Cape Cod. It's journey Wasn't Over Yet

Cristina DiGioia Mastro
#23 Saw These Stacked Stone Arches At The Beach

#24 Someone arranged pebbles in a beach to form a rainbow

#25 Found This Washed Up To The French Shores

#26 Not Your Typical Beach Treasure

#27 Beautiful Piece Of Glacial Ice

#28 Found This Little Guy While Working On The Beach.

#29 Rock Within A Rock I Found During A Beach Walk

#30 Someone Flew This Awesome Harmless Kite The Beach
