2020 has been a heck of a year. That much we know so far. But what if for nostalgic reasons or not we rewind all the way back to 2015? Was the sun brighter, the world calmer? That, we may never truly know.
Call it narcissistic if you want, but there is no denying that for some people out there, like a fine wine, they only got better with time. Some of them found very positive changes in discovering who they are. Twitter user Charlie D. realized how much time flew and started the "2015 vs 2020" thread. He challenged people to show how much they changed in 5 years. So people dug into the challenge, scrolled back through their image galleries, and whipped up some old pics.
The Twitter thread went viral with 85.7K retweets and comments as well as 21.1K likes. We have the most nostalgic, emotional, and fun entries that show just how fast time flies when you think of it.

Look at that ‘lil bubble grow up!

kahleighcomedy -Via
Looking a little edgy.

ToriJGray -Via
Happier with more purpose.

__centinh6__ -Via
Look at that glow up.

fiodht -Via

Meck0 -Via
A very happy and beautiful woman!

katonkat666 -Via
Still same gorgeous girl confident of herself.

bekkahsophiaa -Via
Learned about fashion.

nickaylaalexiaReport -Via
She found herself.

JayFxcks -Via
Any body is happy body.

meghanyaj -Via
About 100 pounds less.

go_ACC_ -Via
From a whole microphone to glow up.

D_1andOnly_ -Via
Transformation is real here!

lydellofficial -Via
Wait, are you the same person?

Gibberino_ -Via
She may have found herself.

Asiyahash -Via
Facial recognition issue in 2020.

barbutindepe -Via
He’s finally comfortable in his own skin.

marswright_ -Via
Look at that bright and cheerful girl!

micaaw62 -Via
A growing family.

ZillaMane41 -Via
An addition to the family.

elicainha1 -Via
Man on his career road.

idgeneral101 -Via
That one unusual, but happy couple.

itsss_keyy -Via
She is now loving herself more.

b_vega15 -Via
Another glow up!

TheEbonyjay -Via
Funny how much can change in 5 years time.

dub_dee -Via
She looks so confident and happy!

ChronoKatie -Via
A gorgeous lady into a gorgeous woman.

gabbyxgabz -Via
His transformation.

elBabelito -Via
Happily married, now happily parenting.

StacyRumaker -Via