A father-of-two, Tom, has been creating his kid's drawings
into their real-life counterparts. And what indeed began as a hilarious project
with his children had officially transformed into something that can make
everyone laugh-out-loud.
It’s no doubt children perceive the world a bit differently
than adults and parents ensure they save the tiny masterpieces their kids
create. Tom, a dad to Al (8) and Dom (11) is, however, the author of Things I
Have Drawn. With the assistance of Photoshop, his kids’ doodles transform into
a reality, hinged on animals we would love to see in the real world.
We are certain you won’t be able to stop laughing at these
literal interpretations of kid’s creations as we’ve compiled the series
recently released for a good laugh. These work are amazingly awesome and sure
will brighten you up. Take a look!
More info: Instagram | Twitter (Dad) | Book | ThingsIHaveDrawn