Few things provide more creative inspiration in this world than relationships. They're the subject of a million songs, while poets lose their heads in matters of the heart. Love and relationships are the basis of our humanity and any society.
' Ok Blue comics' have been around since December 2019. But it's only until recently that it's creator shifted focus and began exploring relationship Dynamics for its rich material content. This was the birth of " A couple of Blue" a webcomic series focusing on the world of blues ( the main characters in the series.)
Relationships at first are all fun, the young love seems like a pink fluffy cloud and then later it all calms down, and you don't have to be the perfect human specimen as you learn to live with each other's inadequacies. This comic series proves to the world that not all couples have to be 'cute' to be genuinely happy.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | okbluecomics.com | webtoons.com






















