In an ideal work setting, we are expected to give 100 % of our energy and be productive. you would never dream of spending 6 hours turning an avocado into a piece of art, or covering an entire page of your notebook with mind-blowing intricate doodles. But in reality, we naturally tend to get bored and feel unmotivated at times. It's at these moments that our creativity is sometimes spurred by a lack of focus.
People who have stayed in a position for a long time easily feel lost. You start to get confused with what you want to obtain from the job. If you're sitting at your desk right now and feeling guilty for constantly drifting away from that project that is long overdue it's time you cut yourself some slack and embrace all that 'free time' you're giving yourself.
Here is a list of some of the most creative minds at play inspired by boredom.
My sister does this when bored at work

Asmithamongsmiths -Via
Someone has way too much time in their hands

Lolo4369 -Via
Bored At Work, So Made Bowser With Post

Kickarr -Via
Office boredom pro max

Konradkc -Via
Decided to Draw The Kanto Starters using Bacteria, work boredom

Smashbrownns -Via
An idle Engineer with a box of pringles

Reddit -Via
Bored at work

Chrsstffr -Via
Some self entertainment at work

Sh8y_L8y -Via
Bored at work with copper

Knightscuba -Via
Tried my Hand At A More Natural Ninja Turtle, bored at work.

Tastybread -Via
My co-workers went all goofy in the office today

potential_ironman -Via
Made Mike Tyson In Excel to beat my boredom

Dunyanews -Via
Going for Office Safaris is becoming a thing

Paperkut -Via
Bored at work, and started playing around with dead flies

manphibian -Via
Bored Mechanic at work Welded This In His Spare Time

Capinron -Via
A Cardboard Fireplace To Lighten The Mood at Work

Leroux -Via
Bored bookstore employees

librairie_mollat -Via
Someone has way too much time in their hands

Epochalypse -Via
Brother got bored at work,

Maccccc -Via
When workers at the dump get bored

Imgur -Via
A guy with absolutely nothing to do

Mykybo -Via
This guy took work boredom to the next level

vladrichdemaclant -Via
carved out a pencil to keep boredom at bay

Ilikestars -Via
We Made This At Work for no Apparent reason

Fobiza -Via
She sends photos like those when the salon is not busy

Peanutbuttachampaigne -Via
Milton's first day at the office

Zargon1978 -Via
Project manager getting married, colleages decorate a hard hat for her.

Ihavenocomments -Via