In today’s society, designs have become increasingly
important as a result of numerous products and exchange of information
encountered in our daily living.
Designs are undeniably the creation of a plan for the
development of a system or an object. And of course, one would assume that every
designer should always and at all-time create or build things that can be
effectively utilized.
While you’d agree that designing requires considering some dimensions,
some designers have, however, proven they can miserably fail at creating even
the easiest things.
Ranging from a four-legged duck, the amusing old toy, to
urban planning disasters, these epic design fails will make you question the
certification of these designers. Do take a glance!
This Pool With A Yellow Plastic Mat At The Bottom Look Like It’s Filled With Urine

Darth_Creeper -Via
Hotel Curtain Look Like There’s A Blood Stain On Them

robloxlegoman -Via
This Lock And Alarm Store Is Named ‘Easy2Access’

fallevitus8495 -Via
Check Out The Design On The Floor Of A Bathroom. Isn’t It Creepy

TrainerSans252 -Via
A Thermometer In Celsius And Celsius!

Epii2 -Via
The No-Navigation Designed Pillows

MeatballPeanuts -Via
Meet The Real-Life Winnie

pheromonekvlt -Via
Wheelchair Access Is Actually A Staircase

Frank Farm -Via
This Clothing Display At A Store Is Creepy

Agent_Orange7 -Via
Would You Want This In Your Bathroom?

alaingx -Via
A Designed 4-Legged Duck

imgur -Via
Santa, Please Stop! I’ve Been Good

BoxBopChallenge -Via
Volleyball CoRec Quiz -Via
Firmly Secured

What’s The Point! You Perhaps Might End Up Burning Up

veethis -Via
Enjoy The Menstruating Tea. Sumptuous I Guess

Solero93 -Via
The Wonder Of Urban Planning

LeyendaV -Via
Is The Barbed Wire On Top Of The Gate Really Needed?

iiooiooi -Via
Parking Fee Got Pretty Real

KiKenTai -Via