vintage ads from the mid-20th century were often riddled with sexism, forcing women into deeming gender roles. sexist vintage ads. Surprisingly, back then this misogynistic trend was considered completely normal and even amusing. Back to the modern era, the idea of a housewife diligently slaving around her husband's home while he is getting bacon is considered appalling as much as degrading. We have certainly made great strides in ridding the society of toxic gender stereotypes
To help expose its toxicity, Lebanese photographer Eli Rezkallah is reimagining some of the worst vintage sexist ads by swapping gender roles in his art series called “In A Parallel Universe”.
He switched up the gender roles portrayed in the ads to reveal how absurd they are with a sense of humor.

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Razkellah -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Rekallah -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Rezkalla -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via

Eli Rezkallah -Via