25 Funny Animal Fails That Actually Happened

We all know that animals mostly have instincts and senses that are more remarkable than ours. They can sell better, an individual animal can run faster, they also see beyond, jump higher, and mostly do everything better than us. But if there’s something that brings unity among all the beautiful animals and we the humans, it’s the fact that animals actually like us, aren’t immune to looking ridiculous once in a while.

Beginning from senseless animal stumbling and slipping to amusingly trying to eat more than fits and other epic fails- here are some of the collection that needs to prove that even if these adorable animals are much better at certain things than us, they still have the ability to amuse us with their mishaps.

My fat hamster got stuck in the tube.

DrywallRickshaw -Via

This seal just ran into the glass.

jayRokk -Via

Swallow trying to swallow another swallow.

beautynewsbyadelasirghie -Via

No, don’t let me go!

supersonics -Via

A ferret that never thought the paper roll would fight back.

jesst -Via

This is a manatee, in case you don’t know.

animalsarebetter -Via

Flying cat.

cattycatzcatz -Via

This fat ground squirrel can’t fit into his cave’s tunnel.

Gerhard Kummer -Via

Yeah, I’ll just yeet myself out.

Not even close!

Marek Riha -Via

Baby panda faceplanting.

Visual China Group -Via

Very hungry boy.

Geez, talking about cannibalism!

Phil Lanoue -Via

A visual representation of girlfriend when you forgot to reply her 31st text.

legendofandy_ -Via

Such an optimistic goose.

nomdeweb -Via

Panda and snowman, 0:2.

Toronto Zoo -Via

How could this day got worse, he asked.

Tom Stables -Via


Andy Kovac -Via

He made an effort.

That cat can’t believe the ridiculous situation she’s in.

beautynewsbyadelasirghie -Via

Mom took this picture of a deer slipping on ice.

Double corgi flop.

Animal Planet -Via

It looked green.

fulcrims -Via

Mouse on Mission Impossible: Cheese Protocol.

sharkyshark7 -Via

One would say this pigeon was… in-bread.

Jaroslaw Porzezinski -Via