For hundreds of years, Artists are known to have been toying with an interesting phenomenon called pareidolia. A psychological phenomenon that causes people to see a vague image as something significant. it is arguably easiest to spot in artworks.
Leonardo da Vinci, the best artist of his time once said "If you look at any walls spotted with various stains or with a mixture of different kinds of stones, if you are about to invent some scene you will be able to see in it a resemblance to various different landscapes adorned with mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, plains, wide valleys, and various groups of hills," he once said. "You will also be able to see divers combats and figures in quick movement, and strange expressions of faces, and outlandish costumes, and an infinite number of things which you can then reduce into separate and well-conceived forms."
The internet is filled with examples of facial pareidolia to remind you that there is way more than meets the eye. We have collected a list of things that resemble other things. A stadium that looks like a UFO? A blob of ice that resembles an eye?
Most of these camouflages are so good, they might require a double-take.
The Fog Made The Stadium Look Like An UFO

Lubyanchenko -Via
These Coatis Look Like A Hord Of Mini Dinosaurs taking a stroll

Lucao_87 -Via
The Corrosion On This Water Tap Looks Like A mini Map

Luke-Skywalk -Via
Half Of All Boxing Photos Look Like Gay Weddings

Ethan Miller
This Picture Of A Frozen Puddle In a Backyard Looks Like A Landscape From A Plane's perspective

SigmaNukemReport -Via
This Cow Looks Like Outer Space

UnicornsAndJerkyReport -Via
This Snowbank Looks Like A Mountain Range ( The Background In The Second Picture is editedTo Prove It)

Greencanoe -Via
These Flowers Look Like A Group Of Tiny 3D-Rendered Chickens Wearing Glasses And Holding A Cake

oldgood_isaac -Via
My Parents Dog, She Looks Like A Wall Mount

Attheisstt -Via
I thought I saw a sleeping lion

This Tinned Peach Half In Syrup Looks Like A Cracked Egg

quite-the-contrarian -Via
Blood Vessels In The Human Eye in HD Looking Eerily Like A Forest

ethan_kahn -Via
A Paper, Three Times Printed On By A Malfunctioning Printer, Looks Like It's Full Of Ancient Hieroglyphs

munnimann -Via
This Bale Of Hay Can be Mistaken For A Hole In The Ground

sunnyCrReport -Via
This Ice Looks Like An Eye

alexadlynn -Via
This Rock Cross Section resemblesThe Ocean

Nichs_ -Via
Inside Of A Cheese Grater Looking Like The Backdrop To A P Diddy Music Video

lovemycakeReport -Via
Busses Carrying Pilgrims In Mecca Look Like arranged Cassette Tapes

AMDonline -Via
This cloud looks like a suspended feather

mrashtail -Via
This Jellyfish Looks Like It's In Space

Kxaxt -Via
This Boiled Egg Exploded While Cooking And Looks Like A Snail

monkeyman9608 -Via
The View From My House Looks Like A Painting

Sjokade -Via
Pumpkin Looks Like A Watermelon Shaped Like An Apple

WhovianSushi -Via
While being bathed this dog Looks Like A Polar Bear

attheisstt -Via
The Snow On Top Of This Mountain Looks Like A giant Lizard

mcspecies -Via