Minimalist designs are everywhere: from apps to logos to packaging there's no design that can't benefit from this trend. For many, this simplistic design offers an extremely satisfying feeling from an aesthetic perspective. The clean, free feeling that comes with a space devoid of excess and clutter is good for one's mental wellbeing
These creators have achieved maximum creativity proving that less can be more. Once again it's been proven how classy Minimalist designs usually are. Objects and products stripped down to the bare leaving nothing but what is absolutely necessary. The result is so much beauty packed in the simplest of forms, it makes us want to go home, clear out all the unnecessary clutter and start all over again.
Scroll down to check out the list for yourself.
Simple Business Card Showing All Contact Info Using Only An Email Address

Some Rainbowless Skittles

Simple Milk Branding Concept Featuring A UFO Space Ship Lid

Kan Salt, Marcel Sheishenov and I-Media Creative Bureau -Via
Pop-out wall socket -Via
Deck of Minimalist playing cards -Via
These Beer Cans reflect The Pantone Color Of The Brew That’s Inside -Via
Fold-Out Minimalist BBQ, great at saving space -Via
Simplistic Moon Light.

johnderek182 -Via
Simple but stylish Led clock -Via
The Simpsons Inspired Minimalist Wine Bottles

Constantin Bolimond -Via
Simple and smart Design

Ozyman_Diaz -Via
Minimal set of chess

niquetapute -Via
The cover of 1984

Adronauts Berlin -Via
Minimalist Grave stone

bulbulkaya16 -Via
Oddly Satisfying Knife Set

Minimalist Cover Illustrations For Each Harry Potter Book

Kincső Nagy -Via
Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451' Bound With Striking Paper And A Match

Elizabeth Perez -Via
Cool lamp makes antlers when switched on

Popup Lighting -Via
Triangular note pad

Tan Mavitan -Via
Decors resembling Half-Finished Sketches Of Candle Holders, Vases, Bowls And Bottles

Goofy light bulb

Kosho Tsuboi -Via
Simple Norwegian passport design